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You are a bricoleur and you appreciate your own work when it can save you money. Sachez however qu'il est important de ne pas negliger le savoir-faire d'un électrique residential. At Michel Guimont Entrepreneur Electrician, an enterprise serving great Montreal, we place a high importance on your safety. We have therefore gathered for you these 6 reasons to consider the expertise of a qualified electrician during your renovations.

1. The new installations

You effectuate the renovations in a residence aged several years? If you want to have new heating or air conditioning units, or still benefit from the installation of a furnace or an electric carrier, for example, it is essential to have an electrician verify that the capacities of your branch lines correspond to yours. new requirements.

2. Additional charges

To be more practical, would your home need a few extra current outlets? This task falls to a qualified electrician, as he must run the new wiring through your walls and connect it to your electrical panel, etc., in a completely safe way.

3. Lighting systems

As part of the replacement of ampoules, all your interior and exterior lighting work should be entrusted to an electrician. The installation of a new lamp, for example, implies regularly the need to circulate a greater amount of amperage in the electrical wires.

4. The electric panel

Old houses still often use a fusible panel. The installation of an electrical panel equipped with disconnectors is therefore strongly recommended, as it is safer for the occupants of the dwelling and for the connected devices. Several companies d'assurances exigent d'ailleurs ce changement aupers de leurs clients.

5. Energy efficiency

The electrician is the most professional professional who can advise you to improve the energy efficiency of your home. This can pass, among others, on the installation of electronic thermostats.

6. The norms and the legality

All electrical work in a house must be done according to strict standards. In Québec, many works can be performed by an entrepreneur electrician who is a member of the Corporation des maîtres électriques du Québec (CMEQ). If you improvise as an electrician, you could not only receive an amendment, but also expose your home to fire risks.

Avant d'effector vous-même vos travaux, verificarez toujours s'il vous est legally permis de les faire. Need an expert? Chez Michel Guimont Entrepreneur Electricien, we are at your service à Montréal et dans les environs: communiquez avec nous!


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